It was Good Friday.
In the past, it wouldn't have been a big deal to me. I used to think that observing Good Friday was just for really religious people and that maybe it had something to do with Lent.
Yeah, I was clueless.
Turns out that Good Friday happened about five days after the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
The King of Kings on a humble, four-legged work animal. His idea. Not in a Cadillac Escalade with darkened windows and a huge motorcade--but in a Ford Fiesta.
The streets were packed--cheering crowds, street vendors hawking Jesus T-shirts, dancing disciples and crazed followers.
After all, this was the guy that was gonna save them from those hardcore Romans.
"You rock, JESUS!!"
"You're the Man--THE MESSIAH!!!"
Somehow, the message that Jesus was not an earthly king got missed.
Fast forward to Friday.
Crowds gone. Disciples split. Jesus' approval ratings drastically dropped.
Suddenly the guy that promised to have Jesus' back no matter what was saying, "Dude. I totally do NOT know that cat."
If that weren't bad enough, one of Jesus' tight circle of friends sold Him out for the equivalence of a set of gold teeth.
A flashy grill to betray the Prince of Peace.
But even the sell-out was part of God's plan.
It led to Calvary--the place where Jesus died.
On the cross.
For us.
Good Friday is only good because Jesus took our sentence of death and went to the electric chair in our place.
God is good but He is also just. He has to be, otherwise we wouldn't need Jesus.
Jesus not only endured having His arms pulled tight on a wooden torture device, but He had the bear the sin of the world--all of the mental illness, the cruel thoughts, the guilt, the heaviness.
All this while having no way to hoist Himself up to minimize the agony of having His body torn apart from the inside out because His feet were nailed together
Suffocating slowly...lungs no doubt filling up with fluid.
Jesus was literally SACRIFICED like an Old Testament lamb for our selfishness, lies, addictions, greed, pride, laziness and lack of compassion for our neighbor.
Our sin.
We are like the condemned man, sitting on death row, waiting for our execution date.
But Jesus came in like a DA and took care of our rap sheet.
Jesus told the judge to set us free--that He would sit in jail and take on our sentence in our behalf.
So, that's why I celebrate Good Friday now.
It would be rude not to.
That brings me to Alijah.
It was testimony night at that Good Friday service and somewhere in the middle of some amazing stories of God's love came Alijah.
16 years old. Been going to church for three years with his mom.
Just along for the ride.
Not really into it.
Then something sunk in. It may have had something to do with his small group leader, Kim. Her heart for teenagers may have struck a nerve with Alijah.
It doesn't matter, because whatever happened saved Alijah's life.
A month ago, this beautiful, tall child of the most High King believed (for a second) a lie.
That he was better off dead.
That the pain of this life was too much to bear.
And that's where he really met Jesus.
And the lie was over. Alijah heard the TRUTH.
Alijah was ALIVE at the GOOD FRIDAY service-- testifying that JESUS is his LORD and SAVIOR.
He had tears in his eyes.
And so did we.
There was agreement in that moment.
We all loved Alijah and we KNEW that Jesus loved him.
And us.
If you're struggling with the lie that you're not worthy of Jesus' love, say this out loud based on John 3:16:
For God so loved ME that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.