God wants me to write about the Holocaust. I am doing research now and can only take it in small doses because it is making me physically sick. The level of evil is beyond comprehension, and not just by Hitler. There were countless complicit in this nightmare. You'll probably not be able to read what He would have me write. I honestly want to vomit now. Sorry, not funny. Not pretty. Not fun to read or research.
That an entire bureaucracy (sound familiar?) could go along with the brutal mass murder of old people, young people, married couples, single adults, four-year olds, infants and everyone in between based solely on religion is unfathomable. There weren't any "Occupy" movements, any protests, any demonstrations against such atrocities. Most folks (thank God not all) just went along with killing innocent, law abiding citizens.
Could this happen again? You betcha. Is it happening right now? Absolutely.
Tears ran down my face yesterday as I watched Way of the Master's Ray Comfort's DVD called "180". In this documentary-style film, he makes the comparison between the Holocaust (in which Nazi leader Adolf Hitler called for the extermination of 11 million people, including 6 million Jews) and the number of abortions, over 50 million, administered between the time of the landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade in 1973, which allowed a woman to have an abortion prior to a child being "viable" (meaning that he or she could live outside the mother's womb on its own--usually 26 weeks) legally and now.
A couple of things to think about. One--there are about 6 million Jews in America today. Imagine every last person--man, woman, and child--DEAD (and horrifically tortured, starved and terrorized) at the direction and orders of one very sick, very deluded madman, Adolf Hitler.
Two--a baby's heart is pumping blood and the circulatory system has started to develop just four weeks after conception. FOUR WEEKS. Most people don't even know that they're pregnant at that point. At weeks 11 and 12, the external genitalia form. Fingernails and toenails appear. The fetus is fully formed.
I have to be honest. Until I was introduced to the work at my local pregnancy counseling center, I didn't have the first clue about fetal development. In fact, I would even say that I was pro-choice at that point. The truth is, that I just didn't get it. Not even close.
Once I learned about the stages of fetal development, I was completely blown away by the miracle of conception and by the love that God has for us as He creates life inside a woman's body. Awesome is putting it mildly.
At 41 years old, I became pregnant for the first time in my life. (Actually the second time. I was pregnant for a few weeks right after getting married, but sadly, I lost that pregnancy.) By the time I started to experience egg burrito cravings, I was very familiar with the wonder of this tiny person growing inside of me. Even now, I look at our son and I'm truly amazed at God's creation. And out of almost nothing. So cool!!
I was ignorant (meaning that I didn't know the facts, not that I was stupid) about abortion prior to meeting the director of our local Pregnancy Counseling Center. If you don't know, how can you make an educated decision? (For more on fetal development week-by-week, check out www.babycenter.com).
Back to the Holocaust. Maybe I should let the movie speak for itself. It's compelling to say the least. Check it out at www.180movie.com. Please be warned that there are parts that aren't easy to watch. You can always turn away, but what you will hear will change you.
God LOVES His children. His word makes it clear again and again. And He loves you whether you've had an abortion, administered an abortion, or are one of the few that has admired Adolf Hitler.
Say out loud, please, based on Psalm 127:3:
Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.
And see what you can do to share the miracle of life in the womb with someone else. While you're at it, find out more about the Holocaust.
If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.~George Santayana
If you've had an abortion or you're pregnant, alone and scared, there are lots of resources available to you. Please know that God loves you no matter what. He forgives you, He sent His son to die for you and He loves you.
For help and direction, contact your local Pregnancy Resource Center. In Santa Rosa, CA, its www.pccsonomacounty.org or internationally, www.newlife.com.
Ahhhh, this is such a heavy, heavy subject (the Holocaust and abortion). I know I'll have to write more. This is just the first part. My heart hurts.
Oh, and by the way, some folks tried to talk my mom into having an abortion when she was pregnant with me. My father had left, she was alone...why not? Apparently a friend of hers, a born-again Christian, suggested that she keep me. I'm glad she did.
God's word, spoken out loud, promises us victory through the tough stuff. Maybe you struggle with homework and getting to school or work on time and maybe it's something tougher like prostitution, drug addiction or facing an ugly past. Hopefully, you'll be encouraged, laugh a little and emerge with a smile on your face, knowing that there is victory in Jesus!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Don't be a Hater
Get a group of girlfriends together and if you don't watch out, you're bound to end up in "hater" conversation. You know what I'm talking about..."Marcy may be popular but have you smelled her breath? It's a combination of curly fries and peanut butter!! And what's up with her obsession with being a size 0? She's too skinny!!"
If you're a guy, maybe it's "Coach Jones put Frankie in first string. That dude is a serious kiss up. No wonder Coach put him in."
Merriam-Webster's online dictionary defines envy as:
1) the painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage
3) an object of envious notice or feeling (his new car made him the envy of his friends).
Let's keep it real. If you've got envy, serious envy, you're a hater. A hater is all about taking the other person down a notch. For example:
Bud: "Did you hear about Wanda? She just got signed to a record label and now she's getting ready to go on tour with Selena Gomez."
Sheila: "If she hit the big time, why does her hair look like it got caught in a tree shredder and her clothes remind me of that retro 80's Flashdance video?"
Underneath envy is anger. You say, "Really?? Anger? How do you get that? Think about it. Imagine this little conversation going on in your head. Obviously fill in the right name and gender in exchange for Bertha.
"I'm angry because I don't have what Bertha has (the boyfriend, the look, the health, the cash, the position in ministry, the country club membership, the facebook pictures, the car, the 90's boom box, whatever). I'm fully raging because clearly God has forgotten about me and I've been left on the side of the road with nothing. Again. Dogged out by God. What's up with that? That ain't right. I need what Bertha has and then I'll be happy. That's it--that one thing is the thing that is separating me from being happy. I now hate Bertha because she's in my way of being happy. Expletive/name call. I hate her and by the way, the stuff that she has, she doesn't really deserve."
Clearly, none of this is from God. None of it. God is the creator of all things. Psalm 31:19 says:
How abundant (huge, righteous, sparkly-tacular, kickin', right on, overflowing, Y to the YES!!) are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear (stand in awe of, give a spiritual high five to, worship, love, adore) you, that you bestow (give, kick down) in the sight of all, on those who take refuge (trust, become besties with, believe, rely on) in you. ~Monika translation
And Proverbs 14:30 says, A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
You want to be free of envy? Worship God. Pray for your enemies. Bless those who curse you and bless those whom you curse. Ask God for forgiveness and start fresh, realizing that you have all you need. Look at what God says (above) in Psalm 31:19--Love God, be blessed and free of being a hater.
Say out loud, based on Psalm 136:2 NIV:
"I give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever."
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
"Teen-bonics" Bible Translation--Anger
A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. – Proverbs 15:1
Monika's translation of Proverbs 15:1: "What? You're disturbed because I left your wallet at the Dunkin' Donut counter at the mall with your freshly signed paycheck in the front pocket for easy access along with directions to your bank and your pin number sticky noted on the back of your bank card? Take a moment to breathe, homie."
As opposed to: "Step back, Jack!! It's not my fault that you can't figure out how to keep your billfold in your pocket!!! And no, you can't borrow a five spot!!"
So...anger. It's kind of an ugly word but most of us have experienced that sensation of rising blood pressure, sweaty palms and a crazy, out-of-control reaction to something or someone outside of ourselves doing or saying something that we perceive to be wrong, harmful or just plain irritating. The question isn't are we anger, but in fact, what do we do with anger?
The Bible has a lot to say about the subject. For example, in James Chapter 1, verses 19-20:
Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen (turn the remote control on "mute" and pull the iPod ear buds out of your ears, dude), slow to speak (zip it), and slow to get angry (slow your roll). Human anger does not produce the righteousness (aka--that sweet, put your head down on your pillow and go to sleep now kind of relationship with Jesus) God desires. (Monika paraphrase).
And in Proverbs 16:32:
Better to be patient (even if you have sit quietly with a goofy grin on your face, praying under your breath) than powerful; better to have self-control (if you've got to duct tape your mouth shut, go ahead) than to conquer a city (evangelizing Yuba City is no good if you yell at your mother right before you head out with your youth group).
And in Ephesians 4:26:
And “don’t sin (the cruise ship left and you're still at the dock) by letting anger control you (Really? Are you gonna let an emotion based on your perception, which could be wrong, control you? I know that you're smarter than that)." Don’t let the sun go down (keep it real and get right while there's still light out) while you are still angry.
So it's pretty clear that anger is a destructive emotion if left unchecked. It can eat at you like a cancer. Its roots can go deep and if not yanked out with God's Holy help, they can fester and rot and cause all kinds of mayhem in your life. And you won't even know where the sarcastic comments and the chaos and the junk is coming from.
Start by writing down a list of things that upset you and why. Share that list with someone that you trust and take a look at what your part is in the whole deal. Did you say something that caused someone else to react defensively? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you living on Twinkies and Red Bulls? Take an honest look and ask God to help you uproot the bitterness and the anger that has grabbed a hold of your soul. God can set you free.
Say out loud, based on Luke 6:35:
"God, help me to love my enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and my reward will be great, and I will be the son (or daughter) of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."
Monika's translation of Proverbs 15:1: "What? You're disturbed because I left your wallet at the Dunkin' Donut counter at the mall with your freshly signed paycheck in the front pocket for easy access along with directions to your bank and your pin number sticky noted on the back of your bank card? Take a moment to breathe, homie."
As opposed to: "Step back, Jack!! It's not my fault that you can't figure out how to keep your billfold in your pocket!!! And no, you can't borrow a five spot!!"
So...anger. It's kind of an ugly word but most of us have experienced that sensation of rising blood pressure, sweaty palms and a crazy, out-of-control reaction to something or someone outside of ourselves doing or saying something that we perceive to be wrong, harmful or just plain irritating. The question isn't are we anger, but in fact, what do we do with anger?
The Bible has a lot to say about the subject. For example, in James Chapter 1, verses 19-20:
Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen (turn the remote control on "mute" and pull the iPod ear buds out of your ears, dude), slow to speak (zip it), and slow to get angry (slow your roll). Human anger does not produce the righteousness (aka--that sweet, put your head down on your pillow and go to sleep now kind of relationship with Jesus) God desires. (Monika paraphrase).
And in Proverbs 16:32:
Better to be patient (even if you have sit quietly with a goofy grin on your face, praying under your breath) than powerful; better to have self-control (if you've got to duct tape your mouth shut, go ahead) than to conquer a city (evangelizing Yuba City is no good if you yell at your mother right before you head out with your youth group).
And in Ephesians 4:26:
And “don’t sin (the cruise ship left and you're still at the dock) by letting anger control you (Really? Are you gonna let an emotion based on your perception, which could be wrong, control you? I know that you're smarter than that)." Don’t let the sun go down (keep it real and get right while there's still light out) while you are still angry.
So it's pretty clear that anger is a destructive emotion if left unchecked. It can eat at you like a cancer. Its roots can go deep and if not yanked out with God's Holy help, they can fester and rot and cause all kinds of mayhem in your life. And you won't even know where the sarcastic comments and the chaos and the junk is coming from.
Start by writing down a list of things that upset you and why. Share that list with someone that you trust and take a look at what your part is in the whole deal. Did you say something that caused someone else to react defensively? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you living on Twinkies and Red Bulls? Take an honest look and ask God to help you uproot the bitterness and the anger that has grabbed a hold of your soul. God can set you free.
Say out loud, based on Luke 6:35:
"God, help me to love my enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and my reward will be great, and I will be the son (or daughter) of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Addicted to Chalk??
Did you ever get a chance to see the 2003 movie, "Supersize Me"? It's about a guy who decides to eat nothing but McDonald's breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the documentary-style film, you see the director, producer, writer and star Morgan Spurlock chow down on apple fritters, hash browns, fish fillets and Big Macs--5000 calories a day or the equivalent of 9.2 Big Macs. Oh, and everything was super-sized so that included huge, monster-sized buckets of Coca-Cola and Sprite. Buckets.
By the end of the month, the then-32-year-old Spurlock gained 24½ lbs. (11.1 kg), had a cholesterol level of 230, and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver. It took Spurlock fourteen months to lose the weight gained from his experiment using a vegan diet supervised by his future wife, a chef who specializes in gourmet vegan dishes. (A big, hardy shout-out to Wickipedia for this information).
Dude. That's some serious eating.
Obviously, most of us don't eat at Mickie Dee's three times a day, every day. But when I mention the words, "eating disorder" what comes to mind? For most people, it's "anorexia", "bulimia", or "chalk-eating disorder" (thanks A&E channel). But what about compulsive overeating? Or compulsive under-eating, or eating just a bunch of meat and cheese all the time (Atkins anyone??)?
What I have come to know is that in my own personal life, without God playing a huge role in my daily life, my eating is DIS-ORDERED. No, I don't mean that I have food strewn about the house like a bad episode of Hoarders. What I mean is that my eating doesn't make sense.
God is a God of order, not chaos. He wants us to eat what we need to eat to function well, feel great and carry on His will effectively.
A bad day for me might include deciding to make some vegan raw sugar cookies (notice the self-styled justification? Hey, its healthy junk food) and eating half the batch or compulsively eating dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets or possibly even overdoing it on beans and rice. And don't even get me near a loaf of French bread. With butter. That baguette never had a chance.
Here's what I've found. If I get up early, read God's word (aka The Big Holy Book), ask Him to show me what it means for me, pray and ask for direction and knowledge of His will and the power to carry it out, suddenly I don't have a need to eat crap. Oddly (or is God-ly--haha), I have a desire to supplement my food with random healthy things like blue algae and to consume raw foods and drink pure water.
My struggle with food has more to do with my struggle with God than anything else. I am super hungry all the time. I have a choice. I can eat Big Macs or I can fill my gut with God.
If you struggle with any type of disordered eating, the answer is the same: more God. Say out loud, based on 1 Corinthians 10:31:
P.S. In addition to God's word, there are many amazing 12-step groups that focus on eating disorders, including Food Addicts Anonymous www.foodaddictsanonymous.org, Overeaters Anonymous www.oa.org and Celebrate Recovery www.celebraterecovery.com.
By the end of the month, the then-32-year-old Spurlock gained 24½ lbs. (11.1 kg), had a cholesterol level of 230, and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver. It took Spurlock fourteen months to lose the weight gained from his experiment using a vegan diet supervised by his future wife, a chef who specializes in gourmet vegan dishes. (A big, hardy shout-out to Wickipedia for this information).
Dude. That's some serious eating.
Obviously, most of us don't eat at Mickie Dee's three times a day, every day. But when I mention the words, "eating disorder" what comes to mind? For most people, it's "anorexia", "bulimia", or "chalk-eating disorder" (thanks A&E channel). But what about compulsive overeating? Or compulsive under-eating, or eating just a bunch of meat and cheese all the time (Atkins anyone??)?
What I have come to know is that in my own personal life, without God playing a huge role in my daily life, my eating is DIS-ORDERED. No, I don't mean that I have food strewn about the house like a bad episode of Hoarders. What I mean is that my eating doesn't make sense.
God is a God of order, not chaos. He wants us to eat what we need to eat to function well, feel great and carry on His will effectively.
A bad day for me might include deciding to make some vegan raw sugar cookies (notice the self-styled justification? Hey, its healthy junk food) and eating half the batch or compulsively eating dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets or possibly even overdoing it on beans and rice. And don't even get me near a loaf of French bread. With butter. That baguette never had a chance.
Here's what I've found. If I get up early, read God's word (aka The Big Holy Book), ask Him to show me what it means for me, pray and ask for direction and knowledge of His will and the power to carry it out, suddenly I don't have a need to eat crap. Oddly (or is God-ly--haha), I have a desire to supplement my food with random healthy things like blue algae and to consume raw foods and drink pure water.
My struggle with food has more to do with my struggle with God than anything else. I am super hungry all the time. I have a choice. I can eat Big Macs or I can fill my gut with God.
If you struggle with any type of disordered eating, the answer is the same: more God. Say out loud, based on 1 Corinthians 10:31:
So, whether I eat or drink, or whatever I do, I do all to the glory of God.
P.S. In addition to God's word, there are many amazing 12-step groups that focus on eating disorders, including Food Addicts Anonymous www.foodaddictsanonymous.org, Overeaters Anonymous www.oa.org and Celebrate Recovery www.celebraterecovery.com.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tying Your TV Guide to a Stick and Calling it a Remote Control
I love humor and in particular anything about being "lower middle class." Maybe because I can relate. Growing up, we laughed at the scene in George Hamilton's 1979 vampire comedy,"Love at First Bite" when a poor family mistook a bat for a black chicken and tried to boil it for dinner. Things weren't that bad, but close. (Let's just say that "tuna on toast" was a staple at our house). Words like "bankruptcy," "broke" and "debt" were common around the homestead.
It wasn't that we didn't have enough. It's that we lived beyond our means. We lived a Jay Z lifestyle on a Jack in the Box budget, and unfortunately I carried those bad financial habits into adulthood. What I know today is that you're never too young to look at money God's way...which leads me to this "conversation" that I recently had with the Big Guy upstairs...
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"Good morning, Monika."
"What do you want me to write about today?"
"Why do You want me to write about finances?"
"Because so many people struggle in that area. It's such a burdensome subject and I want to set people free."
"Right on. What should I say?"
"That Jesus didn't die so that you could be broke. Or to be in lack. Or want, but to have life and to have it abundantly. So many people forget this."
"God, I can already hear the roar, 'is this about the prosperity movement?'"
"No, it's not about airplanes or million dollar "cribs" or having a big, fancy car. It's about being in the fullness of Jesus. It's about being rich in the spirit. It's about being free from worry, anticipation, concern. I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End. The whole enchilada. The entire deal. There's nothing to worry about. I will always provide a way out. Always."
"So being rich isn't about rockin' a bar of gold attached to a platinum chain?? Or driving a Lexus or wearing a pair of Seven jeans??"
"That's the last thing being rich is about. Those are all just things with no lasting value. Some people put them in place of Me."
"OK. I get that things aren't what it's all about, but how do we get on the right track financially? How then will we know what to do? Where to go?"
"Simple. Seek Me first with all of your heart, mind and soul and don't put any other "gods" before Me. Don't worship your intellect, your ability to "get things done", the wealth of your parents, the strength of your might..trust Me and Me alone. I will see you through. And you'll enjoy the ride. I promise."
"OK. So let me get this straight. All we have to do is trust You, seek You, follow You, trust You and you'll get us out of whatever mess we're in?"
"That's right. Remember when I told you to cut up your credit cards?"
"How can I forget? I hated that idea."
"Yes, but you did it and look at you now."
"That's true. I was once very in debt. In fact, You suggested that I short sale my house too, which was an excellent idea. After all, when all was said and done, I was a million dollars in debt."
"You were. And now you're not. You trusted me and you were blessed, not only with financial freedom but with your son, Joshua."
"You're so right. Thank you, God. I know that You're busy, so I appreciate Your time."
"Never too busy for you, Monika."
If you're in a place where you doubt God's ability to help with you with your finances (your cash flow, your "scrilla" if you're under 25, or your "bread" if you're over 40), say out loud, based on 1 John 5:14-15:
And this is the confidence that I have toward him, that if I ask anything according to his will he hears me. And if I know that he hears us in whatever I ask, I know that I have the requests that I have asked of him.
So what does all this have to do with the TV Guide on a four-foot stick? That's the "lower middle class" version of a remote control. I know, it's bad. I'll be here all week.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Occupy Facebook
It was with a degree of shock that I witnessed two men arguing, loudly it seemed, about the Occupy Wall Street movement. Accusations flew--one was for the idea, the other against it.
No, I wasn't in downtown Santa Rosa at City Hall. I was reading a conversation this morning on facebook between a middle-aged grandfather and a young, 20-something college boy. "Conversation" might be generous--it actually seemed like a very heated debate about Occupy Wall Street.
Of course, I read this little barrage from the comfort of my own home, while eating my much anticipated morning toasted Ezekiel English muffin with some seriously tasty vegan buttery spread. Our kitchen was warm from the blast of central heat, the Gypsy Kings played flamenco from my iPhone and my hair was still jacked up and looking very Jon Bon Jovi circa 1986 from a good night's sleep.
Life, at that moment anyway, felt peaceful.
The debate disturbed me because not only was it mean-spirited, but soon others joined in a name-calling fest which ultimately culminated in threats. (Granted, they were threats to remove one another from each other's "friends" list. But still.) Wow. Over a difference of opinion and claims that one couldn't possibly know what he was talking about because he just hadn't had enough life experience.
Let's face it, most of us in the United States haven't known real hardship. We may be hungry, but there are soup kitchens here. We may be stretched financially, but we have churches that have emergency funds (and there's always those cheesy check-cashing loan joints), and government offices that will help us get signed up for food stamps and AFDC (and if that doesn't work, we can always visit food banks...or as my dear friend Karin suggests, "hitting up happy hour, ordering a coke, and getting some of those free chicken wings and cold Swedish meatballs" but I digress...). We have options even when things are bad.
We have a ridiculous amount of freedom in this country and we are seriously blessed. Even my muffin is special--flour less, multi grain, and loaded with crunchy goodness. That ain't happening in quite a few third world countries. (Total side note--have you seen the scrawny chickens running around in Central America?? KFC would have to throw two or three together in some batter to make even one "strip")!
I have no idea what it's like to be so afraid to say anything against my own government because I might be killed.
Seriously. Imagine living in a place where the government watches your every move on Facebook. God forbid you post something that even seems suspect. We have so much freedom in this country.
So. Much. Freedom.
Back to the toast. I took one last bite and headed to my bedroom to spend some quiet time with God before the little guy (and the big guy) woke up. I read Isaiah 22 and this verse stood out to me:
"I will give him the key to the house of David--the highest position in the royal court. He will open doors, and no one will able to shut them; he will close doors and no one will be able to open them."
That's pretty huge. We serve a big God. It reminds me that even though I have no idea what to do with what he puts on my heart to share, He will open doors. He will change lives. He will change destinies.
In the quiet, I ask God what He would have me write about.
"What??? Are you sure??"
Grabbing my iPhone, I look up torture.
Amnesty International (www.amnesty.org) defines torture as "the systematic and deliberate infliction of acute pain by one person on another, or on a third person, in order to accomplish the purpose of the former against the will of the latter."
Torture is the act of inflicting severe pain (physical or psychological) as a means of punishment, revenge, forcing information or a confession, or simply as an act of cruelty. Torture is prohibited under international law and the domestic laws of most countries in the 21st century, however Amnesty International reports that some 81 countries currently practice torture, some of them openly.
As I read further, I found that just a few months ago (August 2011), in Syria, 88 people, all males, were killed during detention after being arrested for "civil disobedience" (essentially protesting the government). 10 of these killed as a result of torture were CHILDREN 13 and OVER. Little boys. Maimed, genitalia cut off, eyes gouged, beaten to death.
You don't have to have kids to understand how horrific this is. You don't have to have education to understand the unbelievable pain of having to identify your son's body and having NO ONE to hear your case.
Because He LOVES His children. All of them. Every last one of them. PERIOD. And He wants it to stop.
Every day that I pray and every day that I spend with God, I see more and more what He wants. He LOVES His children desperately--and that includes YOU.
I don't mean to repeat myself, but He sees you, He loves you and He wants to rescue you. You don't have to be in the Middle East. You don't even have to be suffering through physical torture. He wants you to know that He's there for you.
If you're reading this, and you've lost someone to the crime of torture, or you're looking for a family member, or you just want to help, pray. Pray loud. And visit www.amnesty.org. But pray and seek God with all your heart? How? Read the Bible and ask God to show you personally what you need to see. Sometimes it's not about what is written but the spirit behind the Word.
Say out loud, based on Isaiah 22:22:
"He will give me the key to the house of David--the highest position in the royal court. He will open doors, and no one will able to shut them; he will close doors and no one will be able to open them."
Oh, and on the subject of Occupy Wall Street, no matter what your opinion, please be thankful that we live in a country where we have the freedom to protest. Or not. Or both. And thank God.
No, I wasn't in downtown Santa Rosa at City Hall. I was reading a conversation this morning on facebook between a middle-aged grandfather and a young, 20-something college boy. "Conversation" might be generous--it actually seemed like a very heated debate about Occupy Wall Street.
Of course, I read this little barrage from the comfort of my own home, while eating my much anticipated morning toasted Ezekiel English muffin with some seriously tasty vegan buttery spread. Our kitchen was warm from the blast of central heat, the Gypsy Kings played flamenco from my iPhone and my hair was still jacked up and looking very Jon Bon Jovi circa 1986 from a good night's sleep.
Life, at that moment anyway, felt peaceful.
The debate disturbed me because not only was it mean-spirited, but soon others joined in a name-calling fest which ultimately culminated in threats. (Granted, they were threats to remove one another from each other's "friends" list. But still.) Wow. Over a difference of opinion and claims that one couldn't possibly know what he was talking about because he just hadn't had enough life experience.
Let's face it, most of us in the United States haven't known real hardship. We may be hungry, but there are soup kitchens here. We may be stretched financially, but we have churches that have emergency funds (and there's always those cheesy check-cashing loan joints), and government offices that will help us get signed up for food stamps and AFDC (and if that doesn't work, we can always visit food banks...or as my dear friend Karin suggests, "hitting up happy hour, ordering a coke, and getting some of those free chicken wings and cold Swedish meatballs" but I digress...). We have options even when things are bad.
We have a ridiculous amount of freedom in this country and we are seriously blessed. Even my muffin is special--flour less, multi grain, and loaded with crunchy goodness. That ain't happening in quite a few third world countries. (Total side note--have you seen the scrawny chickens running around in Central America?? KFC would have to throw two or three together in some batter to make even one "strip")!
I have no idea what it's like to be so afraid to say anything against my own government because I might be killed.
Seriously. Imagine living in a place where the government watches your every move on Facebook. God forbid you post something that even seems suspect. We have so much freedom in this country.
So. Much. Freedom.
Back to the toast. I took one last bite and headed to my bedroom to spend some quiet time with God before the little guy (and the big guy) woke up. I read Isaiah 22 and this verse stood out to me:
"I will give him the key to the house of David--the highest position in the royal court. He will open doors, and no one will able to shut them; he will close doors and no one will be able to open them."
That's pretty huge. We serve a big God. It reminds me that even though I have no idea what to do with what he puts on my heart to share, He will open doors. He will change lives. He will change destinies.
In the quiet, I ask God what He would have me write about.
"What??? Are you sure??"
Grabbing my iPhone, I look up torture.
Amnesty International (www.amnesty.org) defines torture as "the systematic and deliberate infliction of acute pain by one person on another, or on a third person, in order to accomplish the purpose of the former against the will of the latter."
Torture is the act of inflicting severe pain (physical or psychological) as a means of punishment, revenge, forcing information or a confession, or simply as an act of cruelty. Torture is prohibited under international law and the domestic laws of most countries in the 21st century, however Amnesty International reports that some 81 countries currently practice torture, some of them openly.
As I read further, I found that just a few months ago (August 2011), in Syria, 88 people, all males, were killed during detention after being arrested for "civil disobedience" (essentially protesting the government). 10 of these killed as a result of torture were CHILDREN 13 and OVER. Little boys. Maimed, genitalia cut off, eyes gouged, beaten to death.
You don't have to have kids to understand how horrific this is. You don't have to have education to understand the unbelievable pain of having to identify your son's body and having NO ONE to hear your case.
Because He LOVES His children. All of them. Every last one of them. PERIOD. And He wants it to stop.
Every day that I pray and every day that I spend with God, I see more and more what He wants. He LOVES His children desperately--and that includes YOU.
I don't mean to repeat myself, but He sees you, He loves you and He wants to rescue you. You don't have to be in the Middle East. You don't even have to be suffering through physical torture. He wants you to know that He's there for you.
If you're reading this, and you've lost someone to the crime of torture, or you're looking for a family member, or you just want to help, pray. Pray loud. And visit www.amnesty.org. But pray and seek God with all your heart? How? Read the Bible and ask God to show you personally what you need to see. Sometimes it's not about what is written but the spirit behind the Word.
Say out loud, based on Isaiah 22:22:
"He will give me the key to the house of David--the highest position in the royal court. He will open doors, and no one will able to shut them; he will close doors and no one will be able to open them."
Oh, and on the subject of Occupy Wall Street, no matter what your opinion, please be thankful that we live in a country where we have the freedom to protest. Or not. Or both. And thank God.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Warrior for Christ from Nigeria
My generous and creative husband is entertaining our little guy for a few minutes, so I thought now's the time for a quick update. Man, is God moving!! It's such a reminder that when we're obedient, He hooks us up!
My hope has been and will continue to be that at least one person will be helped by this blog.That at least one life will be saved. I know how much my own existence has completely shifted because of my relationship with Jesus, so why not pass that along, right?
A couple of days ago, I received a friend request from a young man that I'd never met. I didn't see any "mutual friends" and wondered about our connection. Here's what followed (disclaimer for my "on the fence" friends...I've written part of it in what's known as "Christianese", which is better than me writing in "jive," trust me. I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable):
Dear Evang Enesi Job,
Greetings!! I'm curious as to how you found me as a friend all the way from Nigeria. We don't have any mutual friends. I'm also wondering if you think my blog can help young people in your area. Please let me know. You can find a link on my wall.
In Christ,
Monika Kelly
My hope has been and will continue to be that at least one person will be helped by this blog.That at least one life will be saved. I know how much my own existence has completely shifted because of my relationship with Jesus, so why not pass that along, right?
A couple of days ago, I received a friend request from a young man that I'd never met. I didn't see any "mutual friends" and wondered about our connection. Here's what followed (disclaimer for my "on the fence" friends...I've written part of it in what's known as "Christianese", which is better than me writing in "jive," trust me. I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable):
Dear Evang Enesi Job,
Greetings!! I'm curious as to how you found me as a friend all the way from Nigeria. We don't have any mutual friends. I'm also wondering if you think my blog can help young people in your area. Please let me know. You can find a link on my wall.
In Christ,
Monika Kelly
- Greeting in the name of our lord Jesus ! Once u 're on social site, your name and location can be found any time! And was actually wanting to meet people who will take word of God with me to utmost part of the world, where poverty and disease is ravaging, and devil has used that opportunity to torment them, am on a rescue mission, to herald lost into God's kingdom! What is your blog all about? Meanwhile our target audience for the preaching of the gospel 're the youths who has missed there steps as result of increase in worldly life style! Help us to reach this souls! May Jesus blessing you ma!
- Praise the Lord!!!! My blog is for youth!! To God be the glory!!! Our meeting was led by Jesus!!!! Tears!!!
- Please let
- Me know what specific problems youth in your city face. This is a divine appointment!!
- Very divine in God's eyes! Because he made all thing possible at his own time, the challenges 're numerous! But will mention few which am conversant with! Lack of spiritual values, moral etiquette, career problems, early marriage, drug addiction and Hiv and related diseases etc. Should in case you 're confuse with this terms! It can easily be broken down for your understanding! God bless you.
Evang is typing ...
God's plan is unfolding. I have no idea what's next, but I do know that I will continue to pray, continue to write, and continue to be in His word. This is a trip and it's free, it's amazing and I don't have to worry about getting the swine flu. At least not for today!!
Right before I sat down to update this blog, I prayed. I try to do that because I have no idea what I'm doing, but God does.
"Kidnapping," I sensed in my spirit.
Trusting my limited judgment, I thought, "that can't be right. I don't know much about kidnapping. Maybe I'm hearing things. I know, I'll write about something completely off topic."
God is so patient and He's so, well, God.
I head out to my kitchen and there, lying on the counter, is the latest copy of Joyce Meyer's magazine, ENJOYING EVERYDAY.
I flip through it, and lo and behold, there's an article called "Going Home: Escaping the Red Light District of Addis Ababa."
The line, "...around the world, human trafficking can look very different. It may be the literal buying and selling of men, women and children. Sometimes they are drugged, kidnapped and forced to work as a sex slave" immediately caught my eye.
The article goes on to tell the story of two women. Each had gotten trapped in the sex industry in different ways. One, because she believed that she was a curse after being orphaned and then subsequently raped by her neighbor, and another who fell on desperate times. The women who had escaped wanted to make it clear to anyone who would listen that no one wants to be in the sex trade--that it is a trap and one that is very difficult to leave. By God's grace and mercy, these women reached out and found solace at a local chapel and ultimately were able to live safely in "homes" designed for women once caught in this nightmare.
Sex trafficking may seem like a distant, terrible problem. One that you'll never have to deal with or confront.
Unfortunately, the reality is that sex trafficking happens all over the world. It happens in suburbia, in big cities, in the ghetto and in Beverly Hills. It could be happening in your neighborhood and maybe it's happening to you.
A dear friend of mine has shared her horrifying experience of being kidnapped at the tender age of 18 and being trapped in a world of prostitution for an entire year. She admits that her absent father played a role in her demoralizing "search for daddy".
The Department of Justice estimates that more than 250,000 American youth are at risk of becoming victims of commercial sexual exploitation. The average age of entry for female prostitutes in the United States is between 12 and 14 years, and children and youth older than 12 are prime targets for sexual exploitation by organized crime units, according to a 2001 report.
In addition to domestic girls who are exploited, about 14,500 to 17,500 girls from other countries are smuggled into the United States for this purpose, according to the State Department.
The scary thing is that there are plenty of men who are more than happy to pay for sex with a minor. (I can remember being with my 13-year old girlfriends and waiting near the door of the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium for our parents to come and pick us up after a Def Leppard concert and being shocked to see three crusty old dudes in three piece suits cruise up to us and offer us some money and a "ride").
Enough preaching. God wants you to know that you are worth more than rubies, more than gold, more than money, more than you'll ever know. Whomever left you, disappointed you, or robbed you of your innocence does not define your worth. You are precious in God's sight. If you could get a glimpse of His immense love for you, even for a minute, you'd fall out. Seriously. You'd be blown away. Out of the water.
You don't have to stay in bondage anymore. Not one more day.
If you've been taken, kidnapped, raped, forced into prostitution, please know that there is help for you. At the end of this page, I will include some information for you to use to get help. In the meantime, say this scripture out loud, based on Jeremiah 29:11:
"For God know the plans that He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future." (NIV)
For more information about combating or escaping sex trafficking in the U.S., visit www.notforsalecampaign.org (based in Half Moon Bay, California, USA) or www.mercyministries.org
Mercy Ministries is not an immediate placement center or a crisis hotline center. If this is an emergency, please contact 911 or your local emergency response center.
"Kidnapping," I sensed in my spirit.
Trusting my limited judgment, I thought, "that can't be right. I don't know much about kidnapping. Maybe I'm hearing things. I know, I'll write about something completely off topic."
God is so patient and He's so, well, God.
I head out to my kitchen and there, lying on the counter, is the latest copy of Joyce Meyer's magazine, ENJOYING EVERYDAY.
I flip through it, and lo and behold, there's an article called "Going Home: Escaping the Red Light District of Addis Ababa."
The line, "...around the world, human trafficking can look very different. It may be the literal buying and selling of men, women and children. Sometimes they are drugged, kidnapped and forced to work as a sex slave" immediately caught my eye.
The article goes on to tell the story of two women. Each had gotten trapped in the sex industry in different ways. One, because she believed that she was a curse after being orphaned and then subsequently raped by her neighbor, and another who fell on desperate times. The women who had escaped wanted to make it clear to anyone who would listen that no one wants to be in the sex trade--that it is a trap and one that is very difficult to leave. By God's grace and mercy, these women reached out and found solace at a local chapel and ultimately were able to live safely in "homes" designed for women once caught in this nightmare.
Sex trafficking may seem like a distant, terrible problem. One that you'll never have to deal with or confront.
Unfortunately, the reality is that sex trafficking happens all over the world. It happens in suburbia, in big cities, in the ghetto and in Beverly Hills. It could be happening in your neighborhood and maybe it's happening to you.
A dear friend of mine has shared her horrifying experience of being kidnapped at the tender age of 18 and being trapped in a world of prostitution for an entire year. She admits that her absent father played a role in her demoralizing "search for daddy".
The Department of Justice estimates that more than 250,000 American youth are at risk of becoming victims of commercial sexual exploitation. The average age of entry for female prostitutes in the United States is between 12 and 14 years, and children and youth older than 12 are prime targets for sexual exploitation by organized crime units, according to a 2001 report.
In addition to domestic girls who are exploited, about 14,500 to 17,500 girls from other countries are smuggled into the United States for this purpose, according to the State Department.
The scary thing is that there are plenty of men who are more than happy to pay for sex with a minor. (I can remember being with my 13-year old girlfriends and waiting near the door of the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium for our parents to come and pick us up after a Def Leppard concert and being shocked to see three crusty old dudes in three piece suits cruise up to us and offer us some money and a "ride").
Enough preaching. God wants you to know that you are worth more than rubies, more than gold, more than money, more than you'll ever know. Whomever left you, disappointed you, or robbed you of your innocence does not define your worth. You are precious in God's sight. If you could get a glimpse of His immense love for you, even for a minute, you'd fall out. Seriously. You'd be blown away. Out of the water.
You don't have to stay in bondage anymore. Not one more day.
If you've been taken, kidnapped, raped, forced into prostitution, please know that there is help for you. At the end of this page, I will include some information for you to use to get help. In the meantime, say this scripture out loud, based on Jeremiah 29:11:
"For God know the plans that He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future." (NIV)
For more information about combating or escaping sex trafficking in the U.S., visit www.notforsalecampaign.org (based in Half Moon Bay, California, USA) or www.mercyministries.org
Mercy Ministries is not an immediate placement center or a crisis hotline center. If this is an emergency, please contact 911 or your local emergency response center.
Mercy Ministries of America
Corporate Office
PO Box 111060
Nashville, TN
Tel: 1-(615)-831-6987
General Fax: 1-(615)-315-9749
Admissions Fax: 1-(615)-831-9953
Email us at: info@mercyministries.com
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Why blog?
Yay!! I'm not sure how much time I have before the little guy wakes up (or the big guy gets out of the shower), but I wanted to log in just share a few quick things.
One is that this blog is so not my idea. Have you ever had one of those zap moments where God puts something on your heart and you know that you know that it's completely His idea? I had that moment about six years ago and it was all about writing a book for young people using God's word as a practical way to experience joy, peace and victory in all areas of your life.
So here it is, a marriage, a baby, a career change (from full-time radio personality and marketing director at a Christian radio station in the hills of the Napa Valley to a full-time stay at home mommy, wife and occasional volunteer) and a few hair colors later and I'm finally writing.
The bottom line is that God loves His kids. Bigtime. He sees our struggles and He wants to provide a way out.
And just so you know, this is not from the perspective of a girl who grew up in a Christian home with a white picket fence (although we did have a pretty cool fence, it just wasn't white or picket for that matter). I hail from a home full of love, dysfunction and divorce. I didn't find Jesus (He actually found me, but that's a story for later...) until I was in my 20s and I desperately needed Him way before that. My story involves alcoholism, drug experimentation, arrest and all that goes with it. Jesus came to me in a way that was clear and real. I get that He loves me, but more than that, I get that He loves YOU.
So that's what this blog is all about. It may be funny at times, it may seem serious, or dark or gritty. Honestly, I can't concern myself with making all that I write comfortable for all that may read it. This is an assignment that I've received from God. He's the author, I'm just the girl that's writing it.
If you feel led, please share this with a young person that may be going through some tough stuff. Tell their teachers about it. Teenagers and young people are committing suicide at an alarming rate. This is serious business.
Underneath the gravity, is the reality that God created us to be at peace, to live victoriously and to be free--no matter what your circumstances. He is the author and finisher of our faith. Believe that. Receive that. He loves us. No matter what.
The deal with what I write is that at the end of each segment ("Sexting", "Discipline", "Craigslist Call Girl", "Peer Pressure") is a verse from scripture that I've personalized. The idea is to say this verse OUT LOUD. Like an affirmation. God's word is alive!!! It's amazing. You will feel different as you say the verse OUT LOUD. You will sense and receive His power.
I'm out for now. Hopefully, I will be back here soon. Thanks for sharing part of your day with me. Have a powerful day!!
One is that this blog is so not my idea. Have you ever had one of those zap moments where God puts something on your heart and you know that you know that it's completely His idea? I had that moment about six years ago and it was all about writing a book for young people using God's word as a practical way to experience joy, peace and victory in all areas of your life.
So here it is, a marriage, a baby, a career change (from full-time radio personality and marketing director at a Christian radio station in the hills of the Napa Valley to a full-time stay at home mommy, wife and occasional volunteer) and a few hair colors later and I'm finally writing.
The bottom line is that God loves His kids. Bigtime. He sees our struggles and He wants to provide a way out.
And just so you know, this is not from the perspective of a girl who grew up in a Christian home with a white picket fence (although we did have a pretty cool fence, it just wasn't white or picket for that matter). I hail from a home full of love, dysfunction and divorce. I didn't find Jesus (He actually found me, but that's a story for later...) until I was in my 20s and I desperately needed Him way before that. My story involves alcoholism, drug experimentation, arrest and all that goes with it. Jesus came to me in a way that was clear and real. I get that He loves me, but more than that, I get that He loves YOU.
So that's what this blog is all about. It may be funny at times, it may seem serious, or dark or gritty. Honestly, I can't concern myself with making all that I write comfortable for all that may read it. This is an assignment that I've received from God. He's the author, I'm just the girl that's writing it.
If you feel led, please share this with a young person that may be going through some tough stuff. Tell their teachers about it. Teenagers and young people are committing suicide at an alarming rate. This is serious business.
Underneath the gravity, is the reality that God created us to be at peace, to live victoriously and to be free--no matter what your circumstances. He is the author and finisher of our faith. Believe that. Receive that. He loves us. No matter what.
The deal with what I write is that at the end of each segment ("Sexting", "Discipline", "Craigslist Call Girl", "Peer Pressure") is a verse from scripture that I've personalized. The idea is to say this verse OUT LOUD. Like an affirmation. God's word is alive!!! It's amazing. You will feel different as you say the verse OUT LOUD. You will sense and receive His power.
I'm out for now. Hopefully, I will be back here soon. Thanks for sharing part of your day with me. Have a powerful day!!
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