Wednesday, November 30, 2011

No Occupy in Hitler's Germany...

God wants me to write about the Holocaust. I am doing research now and can only take it in small doses because it is making me physically sick. The level of evil is beyond comprehension, and not just by Hitler. There were countless complicit in this nightmare. You'll probably not be able to read what He would have me write. I honestly want to vomit now. Sorry, not funny. Not pretty. Not fun to read or research.

That an entire bureaucracy (sound familiar?) could go along with the brutal mass murder of old people, young people, married couples, single adults, four-year olds, infants and everyone in between based solely on religion is unfathomable. There weren't any "Occupy" movements, any protests, any demonstrations against such atrocities. Most folks (thank God not all) just went along with killing innocent, law abiding citizens.

Could this happen again? You betcha. Is it happening right now? Absolutely.

Tears ran down my face yesterday as I watched Way of the Master's Ray Comfort's DVD called "180". In this documentary-style film, he makes the comparison between the Holocaust (in which Nazi leader Adolf Hitler called for the extermination of 11 million people, including 6 million Jews) and the number of abortions, over 50 million, administered between the time of  the landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade in 1973, which allowed a woman to have an abortion prior to a child being "viable" (meaning that he or she could live outside the mother's womb on its own--usually 26 weeks) legally and now.

A couple of things to think about. One--there are about 6 million Jews in America today. Imagine every last person--man, woman, and child--DEAD (and horrifically tortured, starved and terrorized) at the direction and orders of one very sick, very deluded madman, Adolf Hitler.

Two--a baby's heart is pumping blood and the circulatory system has started to develop just four weeks after conception. FOUR WEEKS. Most people don't even know that they're pregnant at that point. At weeks 11 and 12, the external genitalia form. Fingernails and toenails appear. The fetus is fully formed.

I have to be honest. Until I was introduced to the work at my local pregnancy counseling center, I didn't have the first clue about fetal development. In fact, I would even say that I was pro-choice at that point. The truth is, that I just didn't get it. Not even close.

Once I learned about the stages of fetal development, I was completely blown away by the miracle of conception and by the love that God has for us as He creates life inside a woman's body. Awesome is putting it mildly.

At 41 years old, I became pregnant for the first time in my life. (Actually the second time. I was pregnant for a few weeks right after getting married, but sadly, I lost that pregnancy.) By the time I started to experience egg burrito cravings, I was very familiar with the wonder of this tiny person growing inside of me. Even now, I look at our son and I'm truly amazed at God's creation. And out of almost nothing. So cool!!

I was ignorant (meaning that I didn't know the facts, not that I was stupid) about abortion prior to meeting the director of our local Pregnancy Counseling Center. If you don't know, how can you make an educated decision? (For more on fetal development week-by-week, check out

Back to the Holocaust. Maybe I should let the movie speak for itself. It's compelling to say the least. Check it out at Please be warned that there are parts that aren't easy to watch. You can always turn away, but what you will hear will change you.

God LOVES His children. His word makes it clear again and again. And He loves you whether you've had an abortion, administered an abortion, or are one of the few that has admired Adolf Hitler.

Say out loud, please, based on Psalm 127:3:

Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.

And see what you can do to share the miracle of life in the womb with someone else. While you're at it, find out more about the Holocaust.

If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.~George Santayana

If you've had an abortion or you're pregnant, alone and scared, there are lots of resources available to you. Please know that God loves you no matter what. He forgives you, He sent His son to die for you and He loves you.

For help and direction, contact your local Pregnancy Resource Center. In Santa Rosa, CA, its or internationally,

Ahhhh, this is such a heavy, heavy subject (the Holocaust and abortion). I know I'll have to write more. This is just the first part. My heart hurts.

Oh, and by the way, some folks tried to talk my mom into having an abortion when she was pregnant with me. My father had left, she was alone...why not? Apparently a friend of hers, a born-again Christian, suggested that she keep me. I'm glad she did.

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