Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Worst Kind of Loss

Last night I had a very real dream. In it, I had a stack of handwritten letters--long, heartfelt notes from people who were losing someone or had lost someone. The stories were varied but the pain was similar. As I read the notes, I couldn't help but cry.

I know that God was showing me in a tangible way that there are so many hurting people in the world. People who are desperately seeking answers and don't know where to turn.

One of the most powerful books that I've ever read was 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper. In it, Don describes being in a terrible car accident and entering into an incredible experience of the afterlife. Beautiful music, incredible scents and smells and a reunion with loved ones were described in great detail. It made me want to get there fast.

Seriously, it sounded that good.

This earth is not our home. We can look forward to an incredible life here and for all eternity through faith in Jesus Christ.

God wants you to know that He cares and He wants you to experience joy even in the midst of your sorrow. He wants you to have the assurance that through Him, all things are possible.

If you've lost someone and you're grieving, know that God is grieving with you. You're not alone spiritually, but it's so important to find a supportive grief group to walk through the pain and into the victory together.

When there is a sudden death or tragedy at a school, teachers will often bring in psychologists to help the students deal with their pain. It's so important to have that experience but also to have a continual, biblically-based support group with whom to process and talk through the pain and ultimately heal.

There are so many instances of grief in the Bible. This life on earth is often referred to as a "vale (or valley) of tears." Know that grief comes in stages and that if you allow yourself to go through each one, you'll get through this season victoriously.

Find a support group, find a loving, Christ-centered church; read the Bible and pray. Don't keep your pain inside and say out loud, based on psalm 31:9:

"Lord have mercy on me in my anguish, my eyes are red from weeping; my health is broken from sorrow."

Please let me know how I can pray for you. Send me your story--anonymously is fine--I will share if you let me or I will pray earnestly for you.

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