Saturday, January 28, 2012

Coach Oprah??

Wouldn't be great to have a coach? Someone who was in your corner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

I'm not talking about some loud-mouthed, overbearing guy that is constantly telling you to move faster, and pick up the pace and all of that.

I'm talking about someone to encourage you, to challenge you and to help you be your very best.

Kind of like having Oprah in your corner, but better.

Why do we need a coach?

Because we'll settle for medicore and call it good.

God wants us to move us to amazing and call it His.

Because we'll stop fifty feet from the finish line and give up.

God wants us to not only cross that finish line, but to celebrate our victory, because it's really His.

A coach is someone that has your best interest at heart. He's the guy that knows you better than you know yourself and wants you to stretch to live out your potential. He's the guy that puts up with whining and grumbling because he knows that ultimately, there will be a huge payoff.

He's on your team, your side and he's got your back.

God wants to be your coach. He's got all the rules mapped out, the playbook has been written and he's got a few drills that have been tailor made just for you. All you have to do is give Him permission to start.

Say out loud, based on Isaiah 41:10(NIV):

"I do not fear, for He is with me; I am not dismayed, for He is my God. He
will strengthen me and help me; He will uphold me with His righteous right hand."

1 comment:

  1. I kind of cringed when you had Oprah in your title since she is leading so many with her false witness. You pulled it through by focusing on Christ. Lately I've had to explain how I hear from God. How do you hear the encouragement without sounding a little crazy? If you know Him you know. The Word, people sometimes even Oprah. Sometimes it just the feelings that wash over you when you look at your child or feel a warm breeze. Dont worry He is everywhere, you just need to open your spiritual ears and eyes..
