Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Teen-bonics" Bible Translation--Anger

A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. – Proverbs 15:1

Monika's translation of Proverbs 15:1: "What? You're disturbed because I left your wallet at the Dunkin' Donut counter at the mall with your freshly signed paycheck in the front pocket for easy access along with directions to your bank and your pin number sticky noted on the back of your bank card? Take a moment to breathe, homie."

As opposed to: "Step back, Jack!! It's not my fault that you can't figure out how to keep your billfold in your pocket!!! And no, you can't borrow a five spot!!"

So...anger. It's kind of an ugly word but most of us have experienced that sensation of rising blood pressure, sweaty palms and a crazy, out-of-control reaction to something or someone outside of ourselves doing or saying something that we perceive to be wrong, harmful or just plain irritating. The question isn't are we anger, but in fact, what do we do with anger?

The Bible has a lot to say about the subject. For example, in James Chapter 1, verses 19-20:

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen (turn the remote control on "mute" and pull the iPod ear buds out of your ears, dude), slow to speak (zip it), and slow to get angry (slow your roll).   Human anger does not produce the righteousness (aka--that sweet, put your head down on your pillow and go to sleep now kind of relationship with Jesus) God desires. (Monika paraphrase).

And in Proverbs 16:32:

Better to be patient (even if you have sit quietly with a goofy grin on your face, praying under your breath) than powerful; better to have self-control (if you've got to duct tape your mouth shut, go ahead) than to conquer a city (evangelizing Yuba City is no good if you yell at your mother right before you head out with your youth group).

And in Ephesians 4:26:

 And “don’t sin (the cruise ship left and you're still at the dock) by letting anger control you (Really? Are you gonna let an emotion based on your perception, which could be wrong, control you? I know that you're smarter than that)." Don’t let the sun go down (keep it real and get right while there's still light out) while you are still angry.

So it's pretty clear that anger is a destructive emotion if left unchecked. It can eat at you like a  cancer. Its roots can go deep and if not yanked out with God's Holy help, they can fester and rot and cause all kinds of mayhem in your life. And you won't even know where the sarcastic comments and the chaos and the junk is coming from.

Start by writing down a list of things that upset you and why. Share that list with someone that you trust and take a look at what your part is in the whole deal. Did you say something that caused someone else to react defensively? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you living on Twinkies and Red Bulls? Take an honest look and ask God to help you uproot the bitterness and the anger that has grabbed a hold of your soul. God can set you free.

Say out loud, based on Luke 6:35:

"God, help me to love my enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and my reward will be great, and I will be the son (or daughter) of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."

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