Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Barbed Wire Fences

Pride (I'm the Mac Daddy) precedes a disaster (blowing it big time), and an arrogant (I got this) attitude (angle of perspective) precedes(happens before) a fall (losing face, getting locked up, being embarrassed).
Proverbs 16:18 (God's Word Translation)


Home Pride bread. (Is that still on the market?)

Pride in your work. (Have you given 110% today?)

Pride. That thing that keeps us from truly experiencing God's grace, His presence and His mercy.

Pride (not the "I'm proud of the hard work that I've done" kind of pride, but the "I'm better than everyone else" kind of pride) is a block, it's a barrier, it's a fence actually.

A fence.

There are all kinds of fences--picket fences, barbed wire fences, electric fences.

The bottom line is that fences do a great job of keeping most people, good and bad, out of our lives. Fences may keep us safe, but they also keep us isolated.

Is that really what you want, isolation? If your ego (or pride) says that most people "suck" or that people aren't to be trusted, then it's completely understandable that you'd want to keep people out. But is what you believe to be true?

Or is it coming from another source?

What would God say about His children? That they "suck" because they don't wear the right brand or they sit in the smoking patio or they look different than you? Doubtful. In fact, I don't think that He would have bothered to send His only begotten Son to die an unbelievably painful death on the cross if He didn't think that we were worth dying for. All of us.

The thing about people is that God often uses them to carry His message to us. When we're prideful, all we are left with our own thoughts, ideas and experiences. We're limited by our own small, self-centered world.

Asking God to remove our pride lets the sunshine in.

Literally--the Son shines in and ultimately out--to other people. And then back to us.

As a noun, pride is defined by Dictionary.com as a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

If you suffer from pride (and I'd venture that most of us do), ask God to remove it. Say out loud, based on Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NIV):

"...Let me not boast of my wisdom or if I am strong boast of my strength
or if I'm rich boast of my riches, but let me boast about this: that He is the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.

P.S. I found the following on a blog called www.truthinscripture.com/spiritual-pride, based on a sermon by Jonathan Edwards. Thought you might find it interesting.

 The signs to identify spiritual pride: 1 It is actually a hindrance to the work of God (repels)
2 A most secret sin. You have a hidden agenda of self promotion
3 Best identified by the fruit it produces. Is it bearing fruit for God?
4 You are a pro at pointing out other’s faults and delight in doing so
5 One Possesses a boastful critical spirit versus loving humility
6 Ministers harshly without showing true love or gentleness
7 Pronounces judgments towards both wicked and true brethren in Christ
8 Becomes easily offended when criticized or rebuked by others
9 Takes great notice of any opposition and attacks instead of turning away
10 Presumptuous about people’s faith and showing of improper boldness
11 They themselves do not worship or minister reverently
12 Attention seeking, promoter of their own self righteousness
13 Thinks everyone needs help, they know it all and need no help themselves

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