Thursday, December 22, 2011


Recently, I've had the song "Courageous" by Casting Crowns stuck in my head. For days. Autoloop.

(If you're not familiar with the song, check it out here:  

To be honest, I hadn't really been paying too much attention to all of the lyrics in the song...that is, until this morning. And when I finally listened to what Mark Hall and Matthew West had written, tears ran down my face.

I thought of my own courageous husband, working so hard each day to take care of his family and to maintain honor and dignity in an era where dishonest practices in his line of work might cause him to follow suit, or worse, to lose hope.

I thought of teenage boys who choose to wait to have sex until after marriage.

I thought of men my age who have stayed with their wives even when things got inconvenient or hard.

I thought of the husbands who have chosen to not cheat or lie or abuse and have chosen instead to lean on God.

I thought of the fathers who stuck around and have been good role models to their kids.

The idea of being courageous absolutely moved me.

This song is a call to action for the men of our generation to stand up and to go against the tide of complacency, selfishness and neglect.

Think of "Courageous" as your own personal mission statement.

Be the change.

Be Courageous.

You're never too young to start being honorable. Say this out out loud:

I was made to be courageous
I was made to lead the way
I could be the generation that finally breaks the chains
I was made to be courageous

(We were warriors on the front lines, standing unafraid. But now we're watchers on the side lines, while our families slip away. Where are you men of courage?)

I was made for so much more.
Let the pounding of my heart cry, I will serve the Lord.

I was made to be courageous, and I'm taking back the fight.
I was made to be courageous, and it starts with me tonight.
The only way I'll ever stand, is on my knees with lifted hands.
Make me courageous, Lord make me courageous.[ From: ]
This is my  resolution, my answer to the call,

I will love my wife and children,
and refuse to let them fall.
I will reignite the passion, that I buried deep inside.
May the watchers become warriors, let the men of God arise.

God help me to seek justice, love mercy, walk humbly with my God

In the war of the mind I will make my stand, in the battle of the heart, in the battle of the hands. In the war of the mind I  will make my stand, in the battle of the heart, in the battle of the hands.

Copied from

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