Thursday, December 15, 2011

Don't Kill the Wrong Person

Chaos and disorder are not from God.

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33

God's not confused. He doesn't flip the script in the middle of the game.

God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19

If you're in the midst of chaos, confusion, and disorder, that's not from God. It's either from your own set of misguided choices and decisions, someone else's misguided choices (parents, siblings, friends) and decisions or from another source. It's not God.

The title of this blog post is "Teen Suicide" and I write of confusion and disorder because that is at the root of so many suicidal thoughts and plans. Never does God think it's a good idea for any of His children to take themselves out. Never.

There were so many things that I went through as a young person, including thoughts of suicide. The pain was so great at times (particularly when a group of students were teasing me at school) that dying seemed like the only way to get peace.

What I didn't know then was that this time period would pass and that things would get better, through Jesus Christ.

The truth is that if I hadn't found Jesus, even as an adult, suicide may still have seemed like a viable option and here's why: there is no hope apart from Jesus. Even if everything in your life is seemingly know, the white picket fence, the perfect family, the new car in the garage, etc. Stuff is going to happen in life that can't be explained away, people will die, divorces will happen, children will get sick. When all of those things happen, and even on a daily, hourly basis, I will need Jesus.

And so will you.

No matter what you think as a result of what's happened to you (you've been molested, abused, you've been raped, had an abortion, you've watched pornography, you've been hurt, you're confused by your parents, your clergy have misrepresented themselves...whatever has happened, it's not to big for God to handle and to love you through it), God sees the bigger picture. He sees the whole you and He wants you to know that you're worthy, special, and worth saving.

Before I came to Christ, my mind was clouded over with so many confusing thoughts. So many. My fears would get so huge that I couldn't see past them. I'd beg friends to tell me the truth about my thoughts. (How crazy is that? Like they knew.) I was bogged down with obsessions and anger and it wasn't until I went to the cross (in this case the altar at this amazing, holy spirit-filled church) many, many times that I felt this confusion lift off of me.

Imagine if I had committed suicide before I had a chance to be set free? I would have missed out on so much.

Please, if you're thinking about making the ultimate sacrifice (suicide), please do the following:

1) Pray. Ask God to help you sense His love for you, like this: "God, please let me feel your love for me. In Jesus name, amen."

2) Open your Bible and read the book of John to start. Read at least one chapter out loud.

3) Visit the website started by Joseph Rojas of Seventh Day Slumber.

4) Call 1-800-NEED-HIM.

5) Tell someone that you trust. NOW. Let them know what's really going on.

6) Talk to a doctor AND a psychiatrist, just to make sure nothing physical is going on. You might have a medical issue or a chemical imbalance that can be treated.

7) Say out loud, based on Philippians 4:13:

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

1 comment:

  1. Once again you've provided the right words in the knick of time. I've forwarded this to the mom of my daughters friend hoping she can share this truth with her and follow the advice and links you've provided. Thank you for following through with what God has laid on your heart....kj
